Recognising the signs when to perfectly time your proposal

27th March 2024

Proposing is a huge milestone! While it’s likely you’ll know when it feels ‘right’, it’s also okay to feel like you also need to consider a few points before popping the question too. Marriage is a lifelong commitment, so recognising both the subtle and not-so-subtle signs you’re ready to take the next step in your relationship is important. Here we explore some of the key things to look out for!

How to know you're ready to propose: 23 signs

1. Your communication tends to use ‘we’ instead of ‘I’

Communication is key in any relationship, but especially in a marriage. One of the key signs you’re ready for the next level of commitment is when you’re using ‘we’ rather than ‘I’. This reflects your shared identity as a couple and your future plans together.

2. You both share the same perspective regarding marriage

If you’re looking to propose, you both must have aligning views on marriage to succeed! Ensure you’ve discussed the topic and both shared your thoughts in advance. Your discussion should include your views on the core values of marriage, joint goals you may share and your ideal timelines.

3. You and your partner communicate effectively

Sincere communication is the best way to deal with conflict. If you’re able to have honest conversations – even around difficult topics – this is a sign your relationship is strong. Communication can also be unspoken! Knowing when not to say something is important too, as well as recognising the silent cues your partner has had a tough day.

4. You've moved beyond the honeymoon stage

The honeymoon phase is a fun, passionate and carefree time in a new relationship. This stage is easygoing, meaning it’s unlikely you’ll face many conflicts or issues. So while this happy-go-lucky phase tends to pass, with that comes a deeper, more established bond as you get to know each other.

5. You've been introduced to significant people in each other's lives

Your friends and family are an important part of your life. If your partner gets on well with your close circle and the same for you with them, this can be a great indicator that you’re ready to combine your lives with marriage. Meeting the significant people in both of your lives will strengthen your relationship.

6. You both experienced certain milestones together

Sharing milestones as a couple shows you’re growing together. Milestones could include moving in together, buying your first place as a pair or even getting a pet, to name a few! Sharing these achievements as a couple strengthens your bond and helps you feel prepared for what lies ahead!

7. You and your partner treat each other with love and respect

The foundation of a healthy relationship should be built on love and trust. These two important traits promote positivity and closeness in your relationship and reduce conflict. Open and honest communication about your emotions, values and beliefs is key.

8. Future plans have been openly discussed between you and your partner

If you’re looking ahead as a couple, this is a great sign. This shows that you’re both thinking past the current moment and ahead, ensuring a lasting relationship. If the talk of the future hasn’t come up naturally, prompt the conversation by asking questions about what they want or where they see themselves in the future.

9. You're both open about your finances

While discussing finances isn’t always easy for some, it is important. Shared financial goals and views are essential in a partnership, as secrecy erodes trust. It’s important to approach the subject in a neutral, understanding manner. While you don’t need to know their full credit history, having a general understanding will help avoid any future misunderstandings.

10. The idea of starting a family together has been a topic of discussion

Before proposing, you should discuss your thoughts about family planning. If you agree on starting a family, talk about how many children you’d like to have and how you’d like to raise your family in terms of values and education. As you’d be teammates, you need to be aligned!

11. You both understand each other's life aspirations

Your partner should be your number one supporter, especially with life aspirations. You should feel comfortable and confident to share your individual goals with your partner, and the same for them with you. By doing so, you’ll be able to navigate the challenges together.

12. You respect each other's personal space

Although you’re a partnership, it’s healthy to have individual interests. You should aim for a balance between togetherness and maintaining independence as individuals. This will differ between couples but could include different hobbies and friendship groups, as well as other downtime outside of the relationship.

13. Both of you feel free to be yourselves in the relationship

If your relationship is set to last the distance, you need to be your authentic self! Once you’re truly comfortable, you won’t care how you look as you have a genuine connection. Create an atmosphere of acceptance with unconditional love – regardless of how they look!

14. You appreciate and celebrate your differences in the relationship

There is strength to be found in your differences as a couple. Things will never be perfect – but that’s okay! Once you’ve learnt to embrace these differences, you’ll find your relationship takes on a deeper meaning as you navigate challenges together.

15. Your partner is discreetly suggesting

Have you spotted a few hints from your partner? Have they spoken about their dream wedding or honeymoon destination? Spotted them searching for the perfect engagement ring? This is your green light!

16. The thought of engagement is thrilling, not daunting

Proposing is a big step in any relationship. If your immediate reaction is excitement at the gesture of going down on one knee, this is a great sign! However, it’s also completely normal to feel a little anxious about taking the next step. Those nerves should be a minor obstacle.

17. Your life feels incomplete without them

Can’t imagine your day-to-day life, as well as those milestone moments, without them? If the answer is ‘no’, sounds like you’ve found the right one! Even the most mundane daily tasks are made brighter by them being around.

18. The thought of sharing a last name is something you love

While it’s not a requirement, sharing a surname is a tradition associated with marriage. If the thought of this excites you, it’s a great sign! It symbolises you going forward together into your new life united.

19. Big plans are always discussed and decided together

Collaborative decision-making in a relationship is very important. Whether it's weekend plans or your next holiday destination, a discussion ensures you’re both able to share your thoughts and feelings about a topic, before deciding together.

20. They are consistently your go-to person for both good and bad news

Life is full of both ups and downs, so having someone to share your news with is important. If your partner is always that go-to person, this means you have an intimate bond in both joy and sorrow.

21. You are well aware of what can easily provoke or please them

Do you know your partner's triggers and preferences? Knowing them on a deeper level means you’ll have an understanding of how to navigate their sensitivities – sometimes beyond words.

22. Their friends have become your friends

Already in the gang? Great news! Having a friendship with your loved one’s friends means you’re integrated into their social circles. Forming meaningful relationships with the important people in their life will help deepen your bond.

23. They are the sole person capable of brightening your mood on a bad day

Turning to your partner to lift your spirits during challenging times is crucial for feeling supported in a relationship. Plus, it also means you feel comfortable discussing many different topics, both good and bad, indicating you share a bond of trust and care.

When is the right time to transition from dating to marriage?

You’ll likely already know when you’re ready! However, the right time will vary for each couple. Many factors contribute to the decision, including relationship stability, shared goals, and personal readiness. Open communication is also needed, especially in matters such as future plans, finances and commitment levels.

If you're ready to propose, here are your next steps!

It’s time to plan your perfect proposal. Think carefully about what the perfect engagement ring would look like for your partner and order it in plenty of time. Consider how and where you’d like to propose. Would they prefer an intimate proposal at home or a grand gesture in public? Would they like family and friends present? Would they like a professional photographer to capture the moment? Take these details into consideration when planning the big moment.


Proposing to your partner is an exciting time in both of your lives so ensuring you feel ready and confident is extremely important. There’s no set timeline. Instead, you should both feel emotionally ready and aligned with your values, with a shared vision for your future together. Good luck!
