Discover your love language according to your zodiac sign

22nd May 2024

Whether you like to spend quality time with your partner or shower them with gifts as a token of your affection, the love language we choose to give, or prefer to receive, can be put down to our zodiac sign according to experts.

In a quest to find out more about what influences our love language, we spoke to astrologer and celebrity psychic, Inbaal Honigman to delve further into the dynamics of romantic relationships.

Did you know each love language is associated with specific actions, feelings, and traits? Here are some you might relate to.

Quality time - giving another person your undivided attention.
Physical touch -  connection is formed through appropriate physical contact.
Acts of service -  often selfless, thoughtful acts that make a person's life easier and happier.
Receiving gifts - tangible tokens of love and thoughtfulness.
Words of affirmation - verbal expressions of love, appreciation, and encouragement.

The astrological elements

“It’s better to look at zodiac signs and love languages in terms of the four classical astrological elements and their associations”, says Inbaal.

“Astrology uses the elements to categorise the 12 star signs according to their qualities, and they go in turn: fire, then earth, then air, then water, then fire again.”

“The five love languages can be similarly categorised, as the four elements, and then in addition, the mysterious element of spirit, the Ether, that we can only sense in our hearts.”

Fire – Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
Earth – Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
Air – Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
Water – Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces

“Follow your birth element to see which love language is yours – or if you feel disconnected from your own, check what the spirit element, Ether, has for you.”

Fire, the element of action corresponds to the love language: Acts of service

Acts of service include actions that are selfless and thoughtful and make the other person’s life more fun.

Your love language is service if you’re helpful without being asked, and value actions more than you value intention. Cooking for your partner, sharing the chores unbidden, and preparing a bubble bath for them would all be considered an act of service.

Earth, the element of possession corresponds to the love language: Receiving gifts

Those with zodiac signs that come under the element of earth, enjoy reciprocal tokens of love which are tangible and thoughtful - they are almost always of value to the other person.

If you surprise your partner with a gift and love it when they bring you something from the bakery or the garden, this might well be your love language. Whether it’s meaningful creative gifts, a takeaway treat, or a surprise present that is not just for a special occasion.

Air, the element of thought goes with the love language: Words of affirmation

Words that express love, trust, and encouragement, and which make the recipient know they are appreciated come under words of affirmation. Your love language is words of affirmation if you say ‘I love you’ regularly, cheer your partner on with your words, and enjoy hearing their appreciation of your efforts. Saying ‘thank you’, saying ‘I trust you’ and telling your partner exactly what you adore about them are common under this love language.

Water, the element of emotion fits with the love language: Physical touch

Touching your partner in a way that they appreciate, whether in a friendly or a passionate way. Your love language is physical touch if you hug your loved one, hold hands, and prioritise naked time alone together.

Those who come under the water element are affectionate, enjoy warm embraces, and sit side by side with bodies touching.

Ether, the mystical element goes well with the love language: Quality time

The mystical element can apply to any zodiac sign because it’s truly about what we’re feeling in our hearts. Connecting with your partner, giving them your undivided attention, and focusing all your senses on them are all signs that the mystical element is taking hold.

Your love language is quality time if you make your partner a priority regularly and just spend time together. Schedule date nights, have no-phone activities together, and catch up for a chat every evening.

The four elements have been reflected regularly throughout history according to Inbaal:

“Fire, Earth, Air and Water, are classified as the four classical elements. They are known and used throughout art, ancient medicine, spirituality, and astrology. They were popularised in ancient Greece, and since they are a universal concept, fuelling systems such as the four humours, and the four astrological elements.

“There is great comfort in understanding how the astrological elements influence our personality traits. Naturally, this applies to how we communicate in romantic relationships and how we can make our partners feel loved and respected.”
